After dating a guy who was much better with using his balls in his profession than in private life, pardon my language. It took me quit a while to even give a benefit of a doubt to another balls carrier.
As I guess any recently emotionally wounded girl I thought I would play it safe at least for starters and to go with the type I know I like. Ouu boy was I wrong. Ladies, take it from me, the physical strength and size (height) of a guy rarely EVER corresponds with his “machoness”, just on a contrary – it rarely ever does. So here I am – learning this lesson for the God knows which time over again: The bigger the man – the smaller the balls (not literary of course, but sometimes literary to).
Therefore, I “wisely” concluded at the age of 26 – In this day and age, young women have evolved in a way that we will sooner grow balls then they (men) would utilize theirs.
If you look at what is all expected from us, and here, I am talking for real, no feminist talk, is to pace ourselves daily in order not to act and/or look like a gold-digger – because that would mean that women would focus on her looks only with a mission to merry a rich man and completely disregard her own needs for intellectual or spiritual and social development, acting inferior to boost his macho – which is just wrooong and man would feel totally used.
Secondly, we should not go into other “extreme” and be more successful than the certain bal-less individual – cause this would make him feel inferior and in no way macho man in front of others, and would totally conflict with his animalistic instinct of being sole food and security provider for the family.
Now you are thinking, maybe I should be somewhere in the middle and have a job, but not a carrier so I can look good and take care of the family and maybe then he will have balls to be a real man…but nooo, noup. Then you see – you might become boring and predictable, being with you would be too safe and you would never leave him – so he would go out and play a little – and would go to try out his “machoness” with someone else.

After careful analysis and hearing of similar experiences from my girlfriends, I have concluded I am not going to play the games and act the society labeled rolls, not any of them. In order to stay true to myself, I am not ready to take on yet another role and grow the balls myself to be a part of a relationship. Although open-minded and social as I am, I am starting to build a career and I have a job I love –but I am not a “career women”. I can be an amazing cook and I actually enjoy cleaning and doing some stuff around the house – but I am not ready to be labeled as a “housewife”. Also, I do spend a lot of money on myself, I do love expensive clothes and going to fancy places – but I am not ready or willing to take on a role of a “gold-digger” and use this as a condition when selecting a guy I would like to date.
So dear bal-less men out there, please understand, we are physically weaker gender, and yes we can do it all on our own really, but we shouldn’t have to, we should not have to take the initiative for every single thing in life and guide you through life while at the same time pacing ourselves not to make you feel inferior, so please step up and be men. Take the lead, not because it is expected – but because it should come naturally. Relationship is a two way street, so rather than observing celebrities and athletes – look at your fathers and grandfathers and look at the gentleman gestures most of them are doing. You got them, you were born with them – use them.
So ladies, did you grow your balls yet? ;)