Other then maxi dresses, sequence pieces and lace I absolutely adore backless dresses and shirts, not so much summer shirts as the cashmere backless winter dresses and/or sweaters, just like the black one I got from Rugby Ralph Lauren two years ago. This sweater actually motivated me to look for maxi backless dresses and inspired me to write this post.
Holiday season is therefore great for me as I got to wear flashy pieces I like on all of these Christmas and New Years parties J Bellow I have selected some of the lovely backless pieces. Tomorrow I have scheduled a motivational post with gorgeous photos of maxi dresses which I definitely recommend for all of the tall girls out there – I am telling you, maxis are a guaranteed stand out.
Do you own any open back pieces lovelies? What do you like about them and how do you where them? If not, why not?
“I feel very strongly about dresses on every level - a dress feels like underpinning.”
Donna Karan
Meni su ovakve haljine divne, ali ih ja ne nosim jer sam se udebljala "malo" vise pa mi to nije najsjajniji dio tijela :)Marchesa na Blake L. je perfect.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDivno :-) baš sam ujutro razmišljala o jednoj takvoj... Čitamo si misli :-))))
OdgovoriIzbrišiMila - Hvala na komentaru, meni je predivna crvena. Nosim jednu slicnu by Lei Lou sutra :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnita - great minds think alike ;) Hvala ti na komentaru.