I have been slaking big time with writing fresh posts and I have terribly good excuse for it! Last couple of days I have been involved with organizing Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb, as a representative of main partner - Dreft. This year's key message was : Fashion Always returns. Take care of your clothes.
And I do, I am still mourning after my tragically shrunk and destroyed double threaded black cashmere Ralph Lauren sweater - RIP cashmere sweater - you shall never be forgotten!
Not to blow my own horn, but this year's event was fabulous! The organizer took the challenge to make bigger, better and more sophisticated fashion week without much yellow press with absolute focus on fashion and she did a marvelous job!
Selected got the invite to see this year's shows on 40 m long white runway. Outside of the tent guests could preview the collections on touch screens and take their picture in one of the dresses via augmented reality tool and send it to their email. Also, fashion cookies, cupcakes from "Fancy Cakes" and green Dreft cocktails were served on ice during show breaks.
Of course, there is still much room for improvement, but knowing that we are together working on resurrecting local textile industry and supporting the education and development of young designer talent is very exciting and rewarding.
Last night coming from the last day of fashion shows I could not wait to come home and finally write a post about it! With my head still spinning under the impression of gorgeous Manolos and fabulous Bodyamr pieces who's show closed Dreft Fashion Week I ran home to draft a report to the brand and to start posting the pictures of my favorite pieces.
My absolute favorites in terms of complete collections were:
Pop Art inspired band brand The Rodnik Band - this singing trio pulled the inspiration out of modern art particularly Pop Art movement and work of Marcel Duchamp. They have shown extremely unique, wearable and affordable collection - they sold the most of it on the day of the show in the back stage. Artistic and with business sense! Marry me guys!

Bodyamr was absolutely perfect showing gorgeously tailored bold 80s inspired but timeless pieces. Models channeled strong; confident, stylish and sexy women. Positive energy, luxury and girl power was so strong, you could almost taste it during the show. Very motivating.

Mauro Gasperi did classic Italian tailored wear inspired by 40s and 80s mix. His collection was so practical and beautiful it will fly of the shelves.
Marko Mitanovski known as a designer who designed those famous Lady Gaga glows is often compared with recently deceased world favorite coutourist and fashions bad boy Alex McQueen. I think such comparison is very premature and invalid.
Marko is undaubted fully extremely talented designer with bright future with already noticeable diva attitude to say the least, but he is still to prove that he is not a one hit wonder. He needs to start to think "sell" as he apparently understands "promote".
Louis de Gama is a frequent guest at Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb. This year he has shown 40 pieces! Louis, we do remember these exact ones from last year :) I guess he took more new pieces to show as he went to do a show in Africa. It is never good to sit at the two chairs at the same time Louis. Croatian women like the latest and the greatest!
Part #2 coming next, second post will be about young Croatian designers. Stay tuned!
"You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. "
great look in the first picture!
I know its wonderful collection. It actually sold out on the day of the show! Check out their website, very che che and very affordable!
OdgovoriIzbrišiP.S. Love your blog girl! :)
La Kat